I Love You Me Either
PNI, London

A group exhibition with the participation of
Dafna Maimon
Edward Kay
Georgia Sagri
Joe Frazer
Julien Nguyen
Matthew Lutz-Kinoy
Richard Healy
Taocheng Wang
Than Hussein Clark
Ulrike Ottinger
In regards to desire and excess, circulation and stasis, plenitude and exhaustion.
The main thing is to know how to set about it, to be able to concentrate your attention on a single detail, to forget yourself sufficiently to bring about the desired hallucination and so substitute the vision of a reality for the reality itself.
As a matter of fact, artifice was considered…to be the distinctive mark of human genius.
Nature…has had her day; she has finally and utterly exhausted the patience of sensitive observers by the revolting uniformity of her landscapes and skyscrapers. After all, what platitudinous limitations she imposes, like a tradesman specializing in a single line of business; what petty-minded restrictions, like a shopkeeper stocking one article to the exclusion of all others; what a monotonous store of meadows and trees, what a commonplace display of mountains and seas!
In fact, there is not a single one of her inventions, deems so subtle and sublime, that human ingenuity cannot manufacture; no moonlight Forest of Fountainbleau that cannot be reproduced by state scenery under floodlighting; no cascade that cannot be imitated to perfection by hydraulic engineering; no rock that papier-mâché cannot counterfeit; no flower that carefully chose taffeta and delicately colored paper cannot match!
There can be no shadow of doubt that with her never-ending platitudes the old crone has by now exhausted the good humored admiration of all true artists, and the time has surely come for artifice to take her place whenever possible.
– Joris-Karl Huysmans, Against Nature (A Rebours) (1884), trans. Robert Baldick