I Wasn't Expecting To Enjoy This And I'm Not consists of a diverse portfolio of balloons filled with a mixture of air and helium. Because of gravity, human beings have become accustomed to thinking that all things that go up must naturally fall down. However, these balloons manage to float, which comes as a pleasant surprise. There is a real sense of liberty that can be felt among people that interact with the balloons; it shows that life can be fun, spontaneous and exciting.
It can be hard to predict which balloons are going to rise and which will fall. Some people act like it’s all a big game, and I suppose you could look at it that way, but be prepared to lose your ass if you don't take this game seriously.
The balloons are highly competitive and volatile. Their positions can swing wildly based on small shifts in the atmosphere, or moves made by actors whose interests may run counter to your own. Remember, there are tons of smart people out there doing this for a living, so if you’re a novice you’re going to have a hard time outperforming them.
There will be up days and down days, you'll have wins and losses, you'll likely learn some hard lessons. However, we believe that everyone should have access to the markets, so we've built I Wasn't Expecting To Enjoy This And I'm Not to make investing friendly, approachable and understandable for newcomers and experts alike.

Installation View
Georgie Nettell
I Wasn't Expecting To Enjoy This And I'm Not, 2023
Project Native Informant, London

Installation View
Georgie Nettell
I Wasn't Expecting To Enjoy This And I'm Not, 2023
Project Native Informant, London

Installation View
Georgie Nettell
I Wasn't Expecting To Enjoy This And I'm Not, 2023
Project Native Informant, London

Installation View
Georgie Nettell
I Wasn't Expecting To Enjoy This And I'm Not, 2023
Project Native Informant, London

Installation View
Georgie Nettell
I Wasn't Expecting To Enjoy This And I'm Not, 2023
Project Native Informant, London

Installation View
Georgie Nettell
I Wasn't Expecting To Enjoy This And I'm Not, 2023
Project Native Informant, London

Installation View
Georgie Nettell
I Wasn't Expecting To Enjoy This And I'm Not, 2023
Project Native Informant, London