Installation View
Georgie Nettell
Deeply Subjective and Intensely Personal, 2018
Kunstbunker Nürnberg, Nürnberg

Installation View
Georgie Nettell
Deeply Subjective and Intensely Personal, 2018
Kunstbunker Nürnberg, Nürnberg

Installation View
Georgie Nettell
Deeply Subjective and Intensely Personal, 2018
Kunstbunker Nürnberg, Nürnberg

Installation View
Georgie Nettell
Deeply Subjective and Intensely Personal, 2018
Kunstbunker Nürnberg, Nürnberg

Installation View
Georgie Nettell
Deeply Subjective and Intensely Personal, 2018
Kunstbunker Nürnberg, Nürnberg
By tracking an individual’s Activities, Interests and Opinions (AIO) a psychographic profile can be constructed: Activities focus on someone‘s daily routine and hobbies.
A person‘s interests reveal concepts and ideals that drive their passions.
An opinion may be the result of a person‘s perspective, understanding, particular feelings, beliefs, and desires.
Anyone’s field of vision is partial, the things you see determine how you think. What passes for knowledge is increasingly personali- sed as mundane data teaches algorythms to say things differently depending on who they are speaking to.
Five films allow the viewer to get inside the artist’s head as she performs everyday activities that are both intimate and typical. Alongside the films, 19 posters feature objects and architectures that have been cropped and composed to resemble letters of the western alphabet. Pasted to the wall in sequence, they spell out the words ‘REALITY’ and ‘CIVILISATION’. In the last room there is a wall mounted button. When activated by the user it relays a pre recorded message.